Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nate has had a strange few days. He has been more playful and seems to have more energy. There just have been some things that still are not right. He goes back to Children's on Tuesday and I am sure they will run tests on him as a result of some symptoms. He has a bowel movement with suppositories, but not really any other time. He throws up occasionally and complains of headaches (both signs of tumor), but then ten minutes later wants to eat and is laughing and playing. His walking is horrible, but he crawls great and is climbing on everything. This could all be swelling from the radiation that will go away, complications from all of his procedures that may or may not go away, or it could be the cancer spreading again. It is frustrating, because some things tell you he is fine and everything is running its course, but then there is always that fear wondering why did that just happen or there has to be a reason for this not happening and you can't help but to think the worst. In many ways we don't want to know any more, we have been told that what has been done for him already is all that can be done and we just want to believe that it is all up to our precious LORD what happens from here. I know that God is good and HE has a plan for how HE wants to use us all. I believe that Nate will make it through this and will grow up to do even greater things for HIS kingdom. All of that said, I still have fears and I still struggle to understand why and how through all of this. At the end of the day, he is still my little three year old boy who I love beyond words, my heart aches, please continue to pray for him, he needs it now more than ever. May God bless you all -- Wes


  1. Wes, Thanks for the update on Nate. We are praying for him! We miss you and love you.

  2. Hi Wes
    Stay strong, you are doing a great job. I only hope I could come close to your level of faith during this test. We pray for Little Nate as does this whole community that Nate has brought together.
    -Jason Pardue

  3. I have been praying for this assured God in his mighty power will heal him..
    by the way i read about papaya leaves cure which i wish to share with you..
    please read about it in the foll link

  4. Praying for little Nate!!!!! God can and does work wonders!!!!! Also prying for you!!!!!

  5. You are a beacon in a superficial modern day world. All parents should read your words and be stricken with the reality of life. So many parents live their lives waiting for their children to grow up and show no evidence of concerns for their children's emotional and spiritual needs. Your God-given strength and faith are salt and light to a world of unbridled selfishness. I pray your testimony, during these most difficult times of your lives, will reach into the heart of all who read and hear; and that God will work His will through conviction by the Holy Spirit to call us all to repentance of our negligence to fully appreciate our children and grow them up in the Spirit of the Lord. They are ours but for a little time, and so much of that time is spent on the goals of this world before we realize just how little time we have left, if we realize it at all. Your family's testimony will forever be a witness to the glory of our Most High God and His eternal purpose. God bless Nate, his brothers, his parents, grandparents and all those who love him and desire God's will for him. Thank you for showing the world that we can praise God in all things knowing He holds us in His embrace at all times in assured hope.
